Tuesday, February 20, 2007

New JFK Footage Reveals More About Conspiracy

E Canada Now - Breaking News » New JFK Footage Reveals More About Conspiracy:

"Boston (eCanadaNow) - New footage of President John F. Kennedy was released and shows JFK minutes before he was assassinated in Dallas.
The footage was released at the Sixth Floor Musuem in Dallas on President’s Day.
The clip was donated by amateur photographer George Jefferies and son-in-law Wayne Graham.
The footage is the clearest anyone has ever seen of the dreadful day when JFK was shot and is sure to help conspiracy theorists find their answer and make it a bit more clear as to what happened to JFK on November 22, 1963.
The assassination took place and was blamed on Lee Harvey Oswald. To this day though many investigators believe that the ruling as to who killed the president was false and that it was actually a conspiracy against JFK.
The clear footage should help build new theories and lay others to rest as the clear footage of JFK’s coat should give a clear shot to detect if the bullet holes match and such.
The investigating is far from over and should continue on with this new footage for years to come. "

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